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tv   9 News Now at 430am  CBS  January 14, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EST

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11 in sterling. . good morning, and welcome to 9news now. today, we made it to friday. it's january 14th, i'm andrea roane. >> happy friday, i'm mike hydeck, monica will have traffic in just a moment. howard, it's getaway friday, what's going on? >> 45 days until meteorological spring. that will be march 1st. weather-wise, a chilly morning out there. teens and 20s and some clouds and even look at doppler in a moment. your day planner for today, a few clouds this morning. more so than later on. we'll see temperatures getting into the mid 30s for highs. right now, 25 and mostly cloudy. we've been watching a weak little disturbance out of the midwest coming in giving us a couple of flurries, manassas is 18. fredericksburg is 20 right now.
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live doppler net 5,000 hd. just a few flurries there into west virginia. there on 66 and coming out of charlestown, you may have just couple of flurries there, otherwise, fairly quiet. let's go back to the mountains and talk about the temperatures this afternoon with the mix of clouds and some sunshine. low 30s north, martinsburg, frederick, hagueerstown. should be in the mid 30s here in the district and pretty much inside the beltway and down south, fredericksburg, you guys will be in the mid- to upper 30s. we have the chance for a couple of snow showers over the weekend. right now, monica with time saver traffic. a yellow light and that's because of the overnight accident. we'll take you there to a map. it's in the waldorf area on the northbound side of route 301 right here at vfw road. authorities are still there doing their reconstruction and
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investigation. so the northbound side is blocked off. southbound route 301 is unaffected by this. the inner loop of the beltway and another map, an accident right here at st. bar that bass road. now over the a live picture. there is construction on the outer loop of the beltway at forestville road in the two right lanes and then near connecticut avenue, that one is in the right lane as well. and now over to 66 on the inbound side, looking good as you leave the rest area all the way to the beltway. coming up in my next report, we'll update you on the two different accidents at 4:40. mike, andrea? while you slept, police worked the scene of a double shooting in manassas, virginia. >> this is over sudley load and williamson -- road and williamson boulevard. but since then, police have released very little information on this. prince georges county has turned to the federal
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government for help in fighting a crime wave that's taken a dozen victims so far this year. >> so now they are now working with county police. gary was there when the chief met with residents to spell the whole thing out. >> i just want things not to define 22 years of my child. >> reporter: sit more than pictures of crime and homicide statistics when your son is among the 12 murder victims. >> the sheriff showed up at my home at 4:20 on tuesday. to tell me my only child had been shot and killed. >> reporter: families of other victims deal with their grief by carrying photos, by building memorials. >> what this needs is your help. >> reporter: interim police chief mark mcgaw met with residents last night. >> this used to be d. c.'s record, now it's pgs record. >> we were just really concerned and wanted to find
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out more about what's going on and what the plan police to do about it. >> reporter: one answer, enhance patrols in problem areas with an additional 150 officers on the street. not everyone, the chief says is at risk. >> they're not random and they're not connected and that's what i want to reassure the community, the police department is working night and day. the police department has not slept in 10, 14 days i can tell thaw. >> reporter: he means that most of the victims have been targeted, many with ties to suspected drug crimes. it is meant to reassure county victims that their risk is not great. gary nuremberg, 9news now. montgomery county police are looking for a pair of felons now who appear to have a little boy in tow. police have released surveillance photos now in hopes that someone can identify the men. they're worried about the child. police say the men allegedly
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snapped a 71-year-old woman's purse out of her parked car in germantown. >> a gps unit was taken from the vehicle. along with her purse. which contained sunglasses, prescription sunglasses, valued at $500. a credit card was taken and several gift cards. >> now the victim's credit cards were being used at a village county mcdopped's by the two men. the -- mcdonald's by the two men. the suspects appear to have a young boy with them. the first suspect is believed to be in his early to mid 20s. the second one, lighter skin and a light mustache, same age. he was wearing a knit cap in the video. now to frederick county, maryland where a 911 operator could hear the shots and the screams, but by the time the deputies arrived. it was too many. they found a mother -- too
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late. they found a mother and daughter badly injured and a father also injured. the suspect, his own son. >> my husband and i woke up hearing -- i said is that a gunshot? he said yeah. >> deputies chased the suspect's car until it crashed a few miles away inside the alleged shooter, dead. investigate so fares say he turned the -- investigators say he turned the gun on himself. he's john ming lee. at last check, the parents and sister were listed in serious but stable condition. the tragedy in tucson now. friends and family are remembering 9-year-old christina taylor green. her family buried the little girl thursday. it was the first of six funerals set to be held following last weekend's massacre there in arizona. an american flag displayed at the funeral was recovered from ground zero on september 11th, 2001. arizona will be paying tribute
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today to u.s. district judge john roll as well. the 63-year-old judge was killed in the spree. the funeral service is scheduled for this morning in tucson. meanwhile, doctors are treating congresswoman gabrielle giffords and they say she has taken a major leap forward in her recovery. she remains in critical condition, but has since opened her eyes and able to move both her arms and her legs. doctors have always been able to help giffords it is up in bed and dangle her feet over the side. we have an update now to the church robbery and assault in silver springs. police have released a composite sketch of the suspects. officers say sunday night, a man entered the new creation baptist church and assaulted pastor rivas. his church shares the new creation building. the thief ran off with bible, free meal and a bag of 50,000 pennies collected by children in the church which they had
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planned to donate. 4:38, just about, still ahead, going, going gone, sold. soon you may be able to set your own price the next time you get bumped off a delta flight. plus, a new movement to put the lid on sugary drinks, but up next iquique check on the forecast -- a quick check on the forecast. that's coming up in two minutes. [ male announcer ] what's the future of broadcast tv? more of your favorite tv always. breg akinlocal news... emergency alerts... in the lmpa of your hand. higquh ality hd... tv3d . more oichces than ever. thute fure of broadcast tv? it's tv. technology, not regulation from washington d.c. check out what's next. visit thefuture.ooftvrg.
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4:40 on this friday morning, is decent day in the sense that the winds are going to be a lot lighter than they have been the last couple of day, some clouds around this morning as we look at the day planner. maybe even a stray flurry,
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temperatures start upper teens to upper 20s here in town. 28 west to northwest winds about 5 to 10 range. by noon, more sunshine and 34. we top out 35, 36 and by 5:00, back down to 34. live doppler 4,000 coming upment rye now, here's monika. investigation continues on the overnight fatal accident here, northbound 301 at vfw road. it continues to be blocked. take old washington road indeed there in waldorf. the next report, we'll update you on the accident. andrea? it is 4:41 and time for the first your money report of the morning. >> jessica is here with the headlines today, good morning jess. >> very busy day for wall street, lots of economic day to get through. the consumer price index and industrial production and business inventories. yesterday, stocks slipped. checking the numbers for you, the dow stands this morning at 11,731, only dropped about 23 points in trading yesterday.
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the nasdaq and s&p both dropped about 2 points, mortgage rates have dropped for the second straight week. freddie mac says it fell to 4.7%. it hit a 40 year low of 4.17% back in november. the next time you're on an overbooked flight, you may find yourself in a bidding war. delta airlines says it's turning its voluntary seat bumping procedure into an auction. passenger asks bid online telling delta how much they're willing to accept in travel vouchers. delta will go to the lowest bidders first. it's an interesting concept. i don't know if travelers are going to be too fond of this idea. >> doesn't seem like you win in the deal. >> keep undercutting competition. >> exactly. >> let's forget that one. hospitals apparently are taking the lead when it comes the keeping sugary drinks out of the mouths of kids. plus, the districts and an agency for love and response.
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how they are putting a spotlight on the area's top romantic spots. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste?
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a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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is already a good day, it's a friday and the winds have died down. howard? >> we're on a roll, temperatures will be moderating slightly and just a slim chance a couple of flakes will be out there this morning and again -- >> conversation. >> conversational. exactly. if you go and ski, maybe up to seven springs -- >> look for howard. >> i won't be there this weekend, but at least the conversational flakes will give you that good feel as you go down the sleeps. this morning, your -- slopes. this morning, your moms like me bus stop forecast. pretty decent. a stray flurry or two, temperatures are on the cold side though. 18 to 28 at the bus stop. sunrise, 7:25. but the winds thankfully are much, much lighter. looking at the day planner today. we may see the bulk of the clouds this morning.
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28 degrees. a west wind only about 6. the winds will be west and northwest. 34 about 9:00 by 5:00, up to 35, 36 and start coming down by 5:00 to 34 with the northwest wind at about 5 miles an hour. what's been happening because we have a disturbance comings right here. it's producing the snow showers in pennsylvania. got a report out of old town in western maryland a couple of the flurries there and looking loot live doppler 9000 hd. loudon counties up to hagerstown and jefferson county, west virginia, this is really, really light, but there are like a few flurries here south of leesburg, west of chantilly here, right along 66, perhaps by the plains. and marshall is where we're going see a couple of the flurries extending up to even toward aldi. that could be coming in just in the next few minutes.
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but there is just flurries, conversational stuff. temperature wise, you don't want the talk about this. it is really cold out there. it's 16 in manassas. centerville, 19 degrees, fort bell voir, 17. baden and andrews and crawford, 20. rockville, 22 degrees. in town, 25, mostly cloudy. but it feels like 18. dew point only 10. the air is still very, very dry and what we're going to see, the big change, on the west coast, see how everything is coming on shore now? jet stream coming this way? the cold air and it's really cold stays up in canada and doesn't have as much of a chance to penetrate deep into the u.s.. this has been a cold week and it look like we're going see a lot of improvement for much of the country. 35 degrees today. the we've got the clouds around. more so this morning than this afternoon. tomorrow, a little disturbance coming toward us.
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41. could be a late day flurry or snow shower and sunday, partly sunny conditions. 39 degrees. off for the holiday. weather should be decent. partly to mostly cloudy skies. late in the day, can't rule out a sprinkle or flurry. if we have any problems it's going the tuesday morning north and west. there could be a few hours where it could be cold enough to get flurries or rain. thursday, again, mostly cloudy and a chance for a flurry around 42. 25 degrees and time for monika. thank you so much howard. authorities are investigating an overnight fatal accident in waldorf and that's why we have got the yellow light this morning. it's northbound on route 301 at vfw road. that investigation and reconstruction continues and authorities are detouring you on to old washington road to get around it. southbound side of route 301 is open. we'll keep you posted on that of course o. another map, this one on the inner loop of the
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beltway at st. barnabas road. that accident is now on the shoulder. the live look on the north side of town, 270. a bit of volume early on friday, but nothing to worry about heading southbound toward the point where the lanes divide. a live look at the beltway in virginia, inner and outer loops at the beltway. the construction should be clearing shortly and 14th independence avenue, as you can see, nice and quiet. all the crossings look great. we will update you on the accident in maryland at 5:01. we have commuter alert for drivers in loudon county. they released their list for most crash prone sites in the town for 2010. >> and for the third straight year, the intersection of leesburg bypass and cyclin tops the list with 50 accidents, second, at edwards ferry road. the top five, three different intersections along east market street. this morning, a health
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alert out of maryland. widespread flu cases are being reported across the state. the department of health and mental hygiene says there's been an increase in flu-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations. health officials say it's not though too late to get vaccinated. in just one generation, get this -- the number of obese children in our country has tripled. today, one out of every five kids is obese and millions more are overweight. >> most doctors agree that sugary drinks are at least partly to blame. anita brikman plains. >> reporter: when he began showing the early signs of type ii diabetes as a seen, she knew she had to make some serious changes. she started exercising and switched to health departmentier snacks like celery -- healthier snacks like celery, but the first step had more to do with what she was drinking and not eating. >> i immediately cut out pop and juice with sugar.
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only drank water. >> reporter: that one move likely saved eden nearly 800- calories a day. consider this -- if kids drink just one 12-ounce soda a day for a year, it adds 35 pounds of sugar to their diet. >> that multiplied by two or three cans a day can add up to 10 or 15-pound of weight. >> reporter: which is why nationwide, children's hospital is part of a new movement to put a lid on the drinks. higher calorie sodas and juices are no longer on the menu and while the idea may be hard for some to swallow, it's gainings momentum across the country. >> we need an environment that produces a healthy perspective for the whole family, especially the children's hospitals are very well positioned to do this as leaders in their respective communities. >> reporter: the doctor is helping lead the charge. he says studies show kids get more empty calories each day from drinks than from any other source and it's time to get
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them out of public places including hospitals, schools and community centers. >> that was anita brikman reporting. also they can affect your teeth. doctors recommend sticking to water or low cat milk and if you do -- fat milk and if you do buy soda, buy diet drinks in the smaller cans. moms, dads, kids, if you're feeling a little thick from drinking all the soda, get your running shoes warmed up. in two months, we will be warm they aring to -- partnering to broadcast the national marathon live. it's sponsored by suntrust and care first and this year, it's expected to attract 15,000 runners. organizers of the greater washington sports alliance say this year, they have added is relay race. that is breaking things up into three parts so teams can compete together. it's the only marathons that fully contained within the district. >> we'll have around 75,000
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spectators spread across this beautiful city watching this great event and most importantly, raising a lot of money for local charities. we're expecting to raise around half a million dollars from this event for local charities in 2011. >> two charities will benefit from the relay portion of the marathon and they include the united way and the leukemia and lymphoma society. remember the race is march 26th and to get you ready in the coming weeks, we're going to have stories about the runners and races and communities that are getting ready for the suntrust national marathon. a story you have to hear to believe. >> a young virginia girl is in the spotlight, singing the national anthem and the microphone fails. the video has gone viral and we have it next. but first, the question of the morning, the top reason why women workout? >> they a., feel good afterwards, b., control their weight or workout to increase
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their energy. what do you think? we want to hear from you, log on to the facebook page, we'll use your comments on the air coming up in the next hour. óóóóóó
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(announcer) still got flakes?
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switch to selsun blue shampoo. maximum strength medicine wipes out flakes. aloe and moisturizers keep hair healthy. welcome back. we can see a couple of flurries especially in the northern half of the area through the next few hours, midday though, more sunshine breaks out. still some 20s in the
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shenandoah valley. by the time we're headed home, partly to mostly sunny, 29 in frederick, at least the winds today a lot lighter, mike? thank you howard. this is one of my favorite stories of the morning. who says hockey fans are just rough and tumble and looking for a fight? check this one out. the hockey fans helped the little girl finish the national anthem after a technical glitch. >> 8-year-old elizabeth hughes was belting out the "star- spangled banner" when the microphone went silent. >> the spectators didn't miss a beat. they helped her finish. the mom posted the video on youtube. >> don't worry, elizabeth will be performing at the february 5th admirals game and we hope her microphone stays on through the whole song, but we now know the audience will help out. the news where you live, in
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gaithersburg, a proposal to build an arena on the county fairgrounds. officials stress the fairgrounds aren't for sale. the arena though would replace the outdoor grandstand and allow for more year-round bookings there. last year, the agricultural center had only 30 off-season events. valentine's day is now only one month away and you may not have given thought about what to do for your sweetheart. >> better get started. but d. c.'s tourism department has. kristin fisher reports that there's a love of relationships. >> reporter: oh, yeah, you heard right. d. c. has got a new secretary of love and relationships. >> wow, that's -- that's interesting. i guess there are a lot of departments in d. c. and you
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know, we all need a little more love and romance that our lives. >> i think for sure a waste of money. >> reporter: carla hall of top chef fame is tasked with implementing a 28 stay stimulus plan to spark romance and rekindle it in the district. >> i'm going to do everything in my power to bring people to washington, d.c. to help them find wonderful things to do with their loved ones while promoting things to do in the city. >> this is an opportunity for us to stimulate the economy and give folks itineraries in washington, d.c. >> reporter: the itinerary includes the city's 28 top romantic spots. now, i'm holding the list of those top spots and my favorite would have to be the botanical gardens because this is actually where i got engaged last summer. but hey, i'm biased. what's your top spot? your to


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